23 October, 2024
02:10:55 AM
Ongoing Project

Menstrual Hygiene Management Program

Duration:June-2017 to September-2018

Location:50 nos schools in Purulia district of West Bengal

Financialinvolvement : 10,60,920.00

Menstruation and menstrualpractice remain as a taboo and socio-cultural restriction for women andadolescent girls, yet it is not spoken about openly causing unnecessaryembarrassment and shame among the community. There is a traditional practicestill continuing in the community such as using clothes as absorbent and reusedfor several months after wash. There is also an overpowering concern to keepdrying and airing of clothes in their house, that result in ending poor hygienicand health concern. Although poor Sanitation is correlated with absenteeism anddrop out of the girls, efforts in school sanitation to address this issue haveignored menstrual management in toilet design and construction mainly forgirls’ toilet. Unsafe disposal, throwing the used cloth into ponds, rivers or inthe field has been the major concern of hygiene and environment. Andto tackle the situation “Menstrual Hygiene Management Program" a CSRInitiative of COAL India Ltd. With Nirman Foundation, has been initiated in 50nos. of Schools, selected by District Education Dept., in eight blocks ofPurulia district in the month of July 2017. Under this Project, Agragami has taken differentprogram activities like:, Develop Inter-personal Behaviour ChangesCommunication, Community Mobilization and IEC activities, Establishment ofNapkin Outlet at Schools, Sanitary Napkin Promotion, distribution for easyaccess of Napkins in their need. Sets of 50 nos. Vending machine &Incinerator has been installed. Besides these Training & IEC have beenprovided to 5000 nos. students & teachers of those Schools. 45000 packetsof Sanitary napkin were also distributed during this period. Monitoringand maintenance of the machines are being conducted on a regular basis.       Apart from this, MHM Day is beingcelebrated every year in different areasof the district to promote MHM hygiene amongst the adolescent girls.

Purulia District Agragami Mahila O Sisu Mangal Samiti
Working for Social Changes

Purulia District Agragami Mahila O Sisu Mangal Samiti, Jhalda, Baghmundi Road, Jargo – 723212. Purulia – District, West Bengal.
Phone No: Phone : +91 9933090870,
Email: pdamsms@rediffmail.com | puruliaagragami@gmail.com