14 February, 2025
08:03:09 PM
Ongoing Project

SAG-KP Convergence Program

Duration: from Feb 2019............continuing

Location - Neturia & Jhalda-I block of Purulia district.

Coverage- 184 nos. AWC of Jhalda-I & 203 nos. AWC at Neturia block.

Agragami is implementing the Rajiv Gandhi Scheme for Empowerment of Adolescent Girls, SAG-KP  Convergence Program  at Jhalda-I, Jhalda Municipality and Neturia block area of Puruliadistrict in close collaboration with District ICDS Program of the Department ofChild Development & social welfare and Implement the SABALA KANYASHREEConvergence through capacity building at various stages implementation ofscheme. The main focus of the program is to reduce malnutrition amongst adolescents and to reduce early marriage within the community.

Purulia District Agragami Mahila O Sisu Mangal Samiti
Working for Social Changes

Purulia District Agragami Mahila O Sisu Mangal Samiti, Jhalda, Baghmundi Road, Jargo – 723212. Purulia – District, West Bengal.
Phone No: Phone : +91 9933090870,
Email: pdamsms@rediffmail.com | puruliaagragami@gmail.com