14 February, 2025
09:04:54 PM
Ongoing Project


Mobile Medical Camps under NHM

Duration:  2011 .........  continuing

Location: Jhalda-I Block in Purulia district and Saltora &Khatra blocks in Bankura district of West Bengal

Coverage: .................. People in 17 GPs

Financial involvement:  2,61,75,914.00 (up to 2017-18)

TheMobile Medical Unit (MMU) is a key strategy by National Health Mission (NHM) tofacilitate access to public health care particularly to people living in remote,difficult, underserved and unreached areas. The objective of the strategy is totake healthcare to the doorsteps of the population particularly rural, vulnerableand underserved areas.

 Agragami has been implementing Mobile MedicalUnit programme in Saltora & Khatra of Banku8a district, in Jhalda of  Purulia district. The services are covered by3 Vehicles (4 wheelers) to offer Medical Check-up, consultation, provision offree medicine, diagnostic and conducting medical counselling etc. The MMUs areassigned with the task of delivering primary healthcare in remote villageswhich included Curative, Reproductive, Diagnostic and Radiology services forone day in a week. All the MMUs currently operating is having a qualifiedMedical officer, Nurse, Lab-technician, Pharmacist, and X-ray technician. 

Purulia District Agragami Mahila O Sisu Mangal Samiti
Working for Social Changes

Purulia District Agragami Mahila O Sisu Mangal Samiti, Jhalda, Baghmundi Road, Jargo – 723212. Purulia – District, West Bengal.
Phone No: Phone : +91 9933090870,
Email: pdamsms@rediffmail.com | puruliaagragami@gmail.com