07 March, 2025
07:40:32 AM
Current Report

Observation of UH Day


    UniversalHealth Day was observed on 12th December 2019 with its focus to “HealthFor All”, followed by different activities at Jhalda-I and Purulia-II blockwithin the district of Purulia. A Rally participated by AWWs, ASHA Workers,Adolescent girls & Civic Volunteers of nearby villages were organized atTulin, Jhalda-I Block of Purulia District (W.B) with differentstakeholders of the society with banners & Placards containing messages ofUHC Day. Pradhan, Tulin Gram Panchayat & Officer-in-Charge, TulinPolice Station flagged the Rally.  After covering about 2 K.M. throughoutthe whole town the Rally ended and the participants assembled at Open placeadjacent to Police Station. After deliberations of the resource personsfocusing the objects of UHC, participants took pledged to work together tobuild a society where everyone should enjoy health services without anyhindrances. 

     A Workshop was also organized on the occasion at Block Conference Hall,Purulia-II Block inaugurated by Hon’ble Savapati, Purulia-II PanchayatSamiti  & presided by Jt. BDO, Purulia-II Block. In his inauguralsession, Savapati mentioned that everyone should have the right to accessquality, people-centered care without any hardship and appealed to raiseawareness of communities on UHC and their human right to quality health. Thediscussion was also done on different health-related issues and differenthealth facilities available under Govt Schemes. The workshop ended with Pledge #Work together towards Good Health & Wellbeing for all.Care without financial hardshipby service provider (Govt.) oath was taken so that nobody remains left out fromhealth service.




AGRAGAMIhas performed an Awareness Rally about # Water Conservationwith a focus on #SAVE WATER__SAVE LIFE.

The program was implemented by our guests from District Administration, Head of theInstitutions of different Schools and supported by different KANYASHREE CLUBs.The program took place in Jhalda town with more than 100 adolescent girls andothers from our community.

Hon'bleSDO, Jhalda flag off the Rally with his most valuable and relevantdeliberations and appealed everyone to come forward to Save Water to save ourfuture as well as to save our planet. Among other speakers, Head Mistress ofJhalda Girls High School also appealed to Save Water as every drop of water isvery precious. 

Afterthe Rally some demands were placed from our organization before the Hon'bleChairman, Jhalda Municipality related to Water Conservation like - Fittingfixing of Stopcocks in each and every water stand posts; Arrangement of GroundWater recharging with Rainwater, To make Jhalda Plastic-free zone, etc. And weare very much thankful to him for his very very positive response with assuranceto take immediate measures in this regard.

We,#AGRAGAMI want to thank every participant especially the Kanyashree ClubMembers for their active support and joining with us to make the program agrand success.

Observation of Safe Motherhood Day


» In Response to Coronavirus pandemic

As the COVID-19 crisis continues to loom overus, Government of India, as well as the state government, has taken a strictcombat measure by directing a compulsory lockdown of the entire nation. At this a great hour of need,  Purulia District Agragami Mahila-O-Sisu Mangal Samitiis coordinating with local government in 4 districts of West Bengal byproviding food and other essentials to the identified families.

By observing to all safety and hygienemeasures, Agragami Mahila-O-Sisu Mangal Samiti has begun its relief service byproviding food kits to the marginalized and low-income segment of the societycomprising of daily wage workers, migrant laborers, construction site workers,and needy people at old age homes and night shelters. Presently, our organizationis providing food relief in Purulia, Bankura, Paschim Medinipur and PurbaMedinipur in West Bengal. 



Relief materials were distributed to 300 no. Vulnerable families in different areas of Bankura municipality on 6th and 7th April 2020 in collaboration with  ATC, India, & CINI, West Bengal. Our volunteers distributed the Relief kits containing rice, pulses, soya chunk, salt, edible oil, spices, biscuit packets, soap &masks etc. following the norms of social distancing, washing their hands before and after distribution, wearing masks. We are thankful to the local MLA, Sm. Shampa Daripa and others  for cooperation


COVID – 19 in India has deprived many poor families of their income as they are all at home in a lockdown situation.  Many of their children slipping into malnutrition. Pregnant and lactating mothers in these families are going hungry. This will compromise their immune response and make them more susceptible to the virus. To combat the situation 500 Packet of Nutrition Supplement “CINI Nutrimix” was distributed to the children, pregnant and lactating mothers in different places of Bankuratown with the help of local ICDS workers. 


50 packets of dry ration distributed to hard-hit families of Illu-Jargo G.P. Jhalda, Purulia on 16 th April in the office premises of Purulia Agragami at Jargo maintaining social distancing and other norms.


Cash support of Rs.1000/=each was provided to 15 no of  People living with HIV/AIDS and others as their life and livelihood are in serious threat. The fund supported byCINI, West Bengal.


The availability of Sanitary Napkin in rural areas is most affected.Consumers who could access products at block or district level markets also areunable to do so due to lack of public transport and mobility restrictions underlockdown. A major number of adolescent girls from low-income households dependon the school-based supply of menstrual hygiene products. And with schools closingdown, those girls and their female family members now don't have access tosanitary pads.

Considering the importance and the necessity of these 500packets of Sanitary Napkin distributed to theadolescent girls in Jhalda, Purulia.

» Dry Ration Kit Distribution in Purulia

When the year 2020faced the most dangerous pandemic COVID-19 worldwide, the waved reached Indiaalso with more misery to the rural people of this country. To prevent thetransit and spread of the virus, the government had to declare the countrywidelockdown. But the poor and marginalized people of rural India faced a hugeproblem due to this, as they merely had any significant savings or alternativeway of earning. The scenario was not different for Purulia district ofWest Bengal.

But the worst part ofthe picture was, the miserable condition of the people of such areas was neverhighlighted with importance in the media and thus their problems and miserieswere out of sight for a long time. In this situation, some welfareorganizations came forward understanding the real need of the hour and tried toreach to people with funds and reliefs. Such was the initiative by the CAREIndia and the Coca Cola Foundation.

The CARE India andthe Coca Cola Foundation made a noble collaboration to raiserelief funds and stand beside families at Purulia in need. Supporting thiscause in its ground-level implementation was the Purulia District AgragamiMahila O Sisu Mangal Samiti (PDAMSMS). To do this, an intensesurvey and background check was done to identify the neediest households. PDAMSMSperformed the case is majorly four areas which were Jhalda-I, Jhalda-II, Jaypur, and Jhalda Municipality. In a total of 115 villages from these areas, 1000households were selected for distribution of this dry food ration kitcontaining 25 Kg of Rice, 5 Kg of Pulses, 3 Kg Sugar, 3Kg Sunflower Oil, 2KgIodized Salt, 3 Pkts Spices, 2 Pkts Soa-chunk, and 5 Pcs of Soap. A total of 5943people were reached through this directly.

On different days,several public representatives and government officials were present during thedistribution process of the COVID-19 ration kit. BDO of Jaypur Block, BiswajitBiswas, Block Sabhapati Bindu Karmakar, Jhalda Municipality’s administratorPradip Karmakar, Pradhan of Iloo Jargo GP’s Prakash Mahato and SDO of JhaldaSub-division Mr. Susanta Kumar Bhakta was present while performing the nobleduty towards the society in this pandemic situation. Savapati, Jhalda-I, Sm.Bina Mahato was also present on several occasions.

In the beneficiariesthere were not only poor and marginalized people, but many of them werephysically disabled, widowed, or extremely old and migrant returnees. PDAMSMSgrant themselves lucky for getting such an opportunity to stand beside thesepeople.

The beneficiariesthanked the CARE India and the Coca Cola Foundationfor their outstanding initiative and not forgetting the, when the whole worldwent into isolation.

Purulia District Agragami Mahila O Sisu Mangal Samiti
Working for Social Changes

Purulia District Agragami Mahila O Sisu Mangal Samiti, Jhalda, Baghmundi Road, Jargo – 723212. Purulia – District, West Bengal.
Phone No: Phone : +91 9933090870,
Email: pdamsms@rediffmail.com | puruliaagragami@gmail.com