Location:Jhalda-I, Jhalda-II, Joypur, Raghunathpur-I, Raghunathpur-II, Neturia, Santuri,Hura & Kashipur Blocks in Purulia districts of West Bengal
Coverage:100 villages
Financialinvolvement : 46,00,000.00
With a view to Reduction of HIV/AIDSprevalence, “HIV/AIDS Prevention amongAdolescent and Young people (YPP)” in three blocks and “HIV/AIDSPrevention through Link WorkersScheme” was implemented in nine blocks within the district of Purulia withsupport from UNICEF assisted by Purulia Zilla Parishad and Health Dep’t.
Creation of Red Ribbon Centers,Selection and training of Link Volunteers, regular Group meeting, Home visit,Referrals etc. activities were conducted for the purpose. Folksong & Chowdance, Football match & Rallies etc also organized to create mass awarenessfor reduction of HIV prevalence rate. Apart from the project activities, everyyear, Sasthya Mela, Rallies, and Quiz Competition etc. were organised on theeve of AIDS Day.