Duration: Nov,2017-....continuing.
Location:Neturia Block in Purulia district of West Bengal
Financialinvolvement : 44,88,000.00 up to 2018-19
PDAMSMShas been implementing “Const. of Soak pit. Surface Drain & Platform forLiquid Waste Management from a spot Source including Training &IEC” a CSR initiative of PHE Deptt. with COAL India Ltd’ & SIPL, indifferent GPs under Neturia Block of Purulia district. The main objectives ofthe project are (i) To protect the drinking water sources (Hand-Pump) fromcross-contamination (ii) To manage wastewater from hand-pump in scientifictechnology to recharge the underground (iii) Community are made aware to managethe safe water sources from contamination and maintain sanitation & (iv)Minimize chancesof–Waterbornediseases. Sensitization on usefulness in maintaininghygiene practices for safe drinking water was provided as a part of theprogram.