Duration:2015 ........... continuing
Location:Jhalda Municipality & Purulia-II block of Purulia district in West Bengal
Coverage:189032 people in 116 villages & 12 wards
FinancialInvolvement : 36,69,986.00 (up to 2017-18)
PDAMSMSis implementing “Adolescent InterventionProgram” at Jhalda Municipal area and in Purulia-II block, designed by UNICEFwith support of District Administration towardsoverall betterment of life & lifestyle of the young and adolescentpopulation (10 to 19 years). The convergent strategy of the program on the adolescent will aim to achieve better outcomes in the areas of adolescent development, health and nutrition education, protection and empowerment throughinformation and skills development. By 2018, the strategy should aim to contributetowards the achievement of the following goals : i) 20% increase in adolescent’s enrollment in secondary education; ii)30% decrease in early school leaving; iii) 10% decrease in the occurrence ofearly marriage and pregnancy of the girls aged 15-19 years. & iv) 0%occurrence in child marriage.