Apart from the above activities, Purulia District Agragami Mahila O SisuMangal Samiti (AGRAGAMI) Agragami, undertakes various welfare activitiesthrough a well-structured program in line with the current activities. Themajor other welfare activities are as follows:-
International Women'sDay
International Women'sDay was celebrated on 8th March 2019at Jhalda & Purulia -II in a befittingmanner. The celebration included a series of programs like workshop, Dramacompetition, Sit & Draw, Dance, Debate and quiz competition. A large number of KANYASREE Clubs, SABALA Groups so formed from our end participatedin the events. CDPO, IC Jhalda Police station, SI of Schools, BMOH, ChairmanJhalda Municipality and many other dignitaries attended the program.
National Safe Motherhood Day
'Safe Motherhood Day' wasobserved this year on 11th April 2018 in the Meeting Hall of Jhalda Municipality & Purulia-II block of Purulia district,West Bengal with an aim to spread awarenessabout safe motherhood and curb taboos associated with Childbirth etc. Theme of the Program was “Amplify Women’s Voice for Quality, Equity &Dignity for Improved Maternity Health” A large number of Adolescent Girls, SHGMembers, Health & ICDS Workers participated from the surrounding areas. BMOH,CDPO, BPHN of the concerned blocks facilitated the program. Quiz competition,Drama, Video Show, Speeches were performed. Booklets and other learningmaterials were distributed among the participants.
Menstrual Hygiene Management Day
"It'sTime for Action". Menstrual Hygiene Day is observed every year onMay 28th with an aim to spread awareness about menstrual hygiene and curbtaboos associated with menstruation. The day intends to enable women and girlsaround the world to achieve their full potential without menstruation becominga hindrance. Using a hygienic method of menstrual protection is important forwomen’s health and personal hygiene. According to NFHS-4, women age 15-24 wereasked what method or methods they use for menstrual protection if anything. InIndia, 42 percent use sanitary napkins, 62 percent use cloth, and 16 percentuse locally prepared napkins. Overall, 58 percent of women in this age groupuse a hygienic method of menstrual protection. There is a dire need in ourcountry for making conditions better for women.So on 28th May 2018 Agragami conductedawareness program at Jhalda and Purulia-II of Purulia district of West Bengal.