HEVS...... A Pilot Initiative in Purulia in Convergence with NRLM &HEALTH
Duration: Feb-2014 toJune-2015
Location: Purulia-I& Purulia-II Blocks in Purulia districts of West Bengal
Coverage: 320676 Populationin 231 villages. G.P. - 8 nos.
Financial involvement: 14,50,524.00
The HEVS project thrives tocreate a convergence between the Nation Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM) throughthe strengthening of SGH sub-cluster and platforms by training them to promotehealth education in their monthly meetings subsequently establishing aneffective flow of information from the community level to the frontline workersto brings positive changes in the reproductive health of rural women in thedistrict of Purulia. The project does not include the initiation of anyparallel systems or the introduction of any new human resource in itsimplementation strategy. It seeks only to strengthen the existing platforms,which are already operational within the villages (PRI, SHGs, and VHSNCs).
The initiative is beingundertaken by PDAMSMS involving 1114nos. of SHGs and 88nos. of Village Organizations (VO) in Jaypur &Purulia-II Blocks in the district ofPurulia covering a total of 8 GPs (4 GPs from each block) and 103 sub-clusters.in partnership with CARE, India, W.B.