Duration: 2004-2010
Location: 9 nos blocksof Purulia district, West Bengal
Coverage: 1273575people in 9 blocks
Financial Involvement:12,94,000.00
CARE WB along with the nodal deptt. Launched the program of theIntegrated Nutrition and HealthProgramme. The launching programme was implemented jointly by Deptt. ofSocial welfare and Women and children Deptt. the project is a convergenceprogram of Health, Nutrition, and Panchayat promoting child & Mother (Pregnant & Lactating) Health. from 1999 - 2011. The Programme is implemented by Purulia Agragami atJhalda-I, Jhalda-II, Jaypur, Arsha, Punncha, Manbazar-I & II, Kashipur,Hura and Baghmundi block in partnership with CARE, India for improving theHealth and nutritional status of mother and children with a special focus onadolescent girls using the local humanresources. The main objective of the Program is to reduce the rate of IMR andmalnutrition. Several innovative activities like Husband-Wife-In-law Meet, GanaAnnaprasanna (1st feed ceremony) Observation of Nutritional Week,World Breast Feeding Week, Quiz Competition etc. are organized to generateawareness to build a Baby-Friendly environment in the locality.